Friday 24 June 2016

Surrendering to the Politics of Fear and Hate

I was woken this morning at 04:22 to by a very cheerful blackbird. A brief glance at the news told me today was anything but cheerful.

24th June 2016. The day the United Kingdom became Little Britain.

So how did it come to this?

It was all too easy for the Leave 'campaign'.

At a time of ideologically imposed austerity, ensuring services are cut to the bone, the NHS is underfunded to breaking point, jobs are insecure and low paid, it was an easy lie to tell:

Everything is the fault of the EU.
And, so it seems, as a nation, we fell for it.

Why should that be a surprise? We've accepted the normalisation of 1000+% interests rates on loans when the base rate is 0.5%. We blame the financial woes of the nation on poor people, indifferent to the illegal/immoral activity in the banking sector.  We've been duped into believing our self esteem is based on the 3 ton vehicle we drag our sorry inadequate arses around in.

How easy was it to persuade the nation it was all the fault of 'immigration'? Too easy.  With its very real issues that need addressing, the EU was a convenient scapegoat.

What happened to the Remain 'campaign'? They were stuck between a rock and a hard place:

They could not tell the truth.
From the 1980s (and probably before), politicians have prioritised profit over people. We've had successive governments that have handed tax receipts and control to entities who's sole concern is simply maximising their profit. From deregulation to privatisation/profitisation, politicians served business before people.

How could a government who's doctrine of austerity created the discontent in the UK put their hands up and say: "It's our fault you can't get an appointment with your GP because we've cut 20% from the NHS budget. It's our fault your roads are potholed, because we have we have capped council tax."?

They could not tell the truth. In trying to pacify extreme elements in his party, David Cameron unleashed a wave of discontent of his own making.

We will reap the seeds that have been sown. This referendum has normalised lies, hate, fear, xenophobia, racism and bigotry in political and public discourse.

What happens when the leave voters realise they have been lied to? When that £350 million per week fails to materialise into the NHS, when services are still being cut because public funds become private profit?

Who will we blame?

We are Little Britain.